Now we want to share our passion for good food and simple cooking methods with you so we hope you’ll look around while you’re here.

Read Moe’s blog, search our recipes or watch our videos and we’d love to hear from you. Drop us a message and let us know what you’d like us to cook next!

  • Homegrown Tomatoes: A Taste of Southern Bliss

    I don’t know how you feel about homegrown tomatoes, but I think the late Lewis Grizzard said it best when he wrote, “It’s difficult to…

  • Happy New Year

    Happy New Year

    It’s 2024! Can ya’ll believe it? I’ve decided it is a perfect time for me to make good on the promise I made to Deb…

  • Chili-Willie


    It was May of 2020 and Tink and I, just like the rest of the world, had been cooped up in our homes since mid-March…

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