Happy New Year

It’s 2024! Can ya’ll believe it? I’ve decided it is a perfect time for me to make good on the promise I made to Deb to write some blogs for our website. So here goes. I’m going to title this one “Choices 2024”. The late country music  crooner George Jones sang a song about Choices. Have you heard it? If not, give it a listen on YouTube here. It’s a good ‘un.

Ah, the infamous New Year’s Resolution. Wikipedia describes a New Year’s Resolution as a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. Me? I’ve been making New Year’s resolutions, since, well, forever. Success rate? Let’s just say, if resolutions were currency, I’d be flat broke. For example, every year, I pledge to cut down on sugar consumption, eat healthier, lose 40 pounds and exercise more. I regret to tell you that by January 25th, my enthusiasm is on life support and if my motivation makes it to February, Cupid attacks with his chocolate arrows. It’s like he’s trying to sabotage my diet. I mean, really, Cupid, who told you that calories equal love?

So here I am in the infancy of the New Year –  2024.  Last October, I turned 61 years old and pondering on that fact has got this old gal thinking. If I am ever going to lose a little weight and get healthier, now may be the best time to do it. I’ve kicked this can down the road too long and I’ve decided that I really AM the one person who can make a change in my habits.  Well, DUH Moe!

No diet guru, personal trainer or motivational speaker can control whether or not I stuff my pie hole at snack time with a cup of yogurt or if I choose to scarf down a Three Musketeer’s bar.

(Three Musketeer’s bars are, after all, lighter than most candy bars, you know…..at least that’s what I’ve always told my chubby little self.)

Armani look-alike dressed as a Musketeer!

I am a firm believer that each person has the ability to shape his or her own destiny by the choices we make.  Whatever situation I find myself in, if I really think back and trace the steps that got me there, I find that I am usually responsible for my current circumstances. When I’m in a mess, it has been my own negative choices that have put me there.  (And believe me, I’ve made messes of things from time-to-time.)  On the other hand, if I’m doing well and have experienced success at something, I can usually pinpoint the good decisions and choices I’ve made that led me to that success.

I guess I’ve said all this just to let you know that today, as I look forward to 2024, I choose good over bad, right over wrong, success over failure. Besides my diet, there are other things that need some attention. Deb and I have some pretty big goals together for Cooking with Moe and Deb, but today I’d like to share my own personal goals with you for 2024. Here goes:

That’s it. Sure, there are a gazillion more choices I could make, but let’s not get carried away. After all, If I fix everything that’s wrong with me this year, what’ll I do for a resolution next year?

Ya’ll send some good vibes, prayers and maybe a motivational meme my way and let’s see if 2024 truly becomes “My Year”. Oh, and if anyone offers me a Three Musketeer’s Bar, I’ll make the choice to gobble it down, but then get right back on track (hopefully). Love ya’ll!

Until next time,


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