Frequently Asked Questions

Who writes your blogs?

Moe has always loved to write.

Early on, she had planned to go into journalism, but life, as it sometimes does, got in the way so she went a different path. In our blog, Moe will sometimes write about food, our faith, places we go and people we know. Sometimes she will write about Deb’s travel adventures and other times, just sharing stories of every day life. Hopefully you will enjoy reading along!

Where can I find your recipes?

You can find our recipes here! We would love to hear about what recipes you’ve tried.

How can I find out about new recipes?

We are the most active on Facebook, posting almost daily. Feel free to stop by and leave us a like and a comment.

Where do you get your recipes?

Our recipes come from a combination of cookbooks, online recipes, and knowledge passed down from our parents and grandparents.

How do you two know each other?

We are childhood best friends!

What are your blog posts about?

Our blog posts don’t have one specific topic. We like to write about food, of course, as well as faith, travel, people, and anything else going on in the world!

Where are you from?

We are both from Northwest Georgia.

Do you have a cookbook?

We do have a cookbook! Email us at for more information.

Do you have a YouTube channel?

We do have a YouTube Channel! You can find all of our social links in the footer below, or you can click here.